1. All cases which are at issue, where the amount in controversy is $25,000.00 or less, exclusive of interest and costs, except those issues involving title to real estate, equity actions, actions upon penal statutes, and other actions which do not involve the recovery of money damages only shall be submitted to and heard and decided by a board of arbitrators which shall be composed of three (3) members of the Bar of the 57th Judicial District. The amount in controversy shall be determined solely from the pleadings or by an agreement of the parties.2. Cases which are not at issue and whether or not suit has been filed may be placed on the arbitration list by agreement of reference in writing signed by counsel for all parties in the case. Said agreement shall define the issues involved for determination by the board and, when agreeable, shall also contain stipulations with respect to facts submitted or agreed or defenses waived. In such cases, the agreement of reference shall take the place of pleadings and shall be filed of record in the Office of the Prothonotary and shall be assigned a number.Adopted Dec. 15, 1988. Amended April 4, 2000, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.