Rule 14.8 - Guardianship Reporting, Monitoring, and Compliance1. The Court hereby designates a Guardianship Compliance Officer who shall be responsible for ensuring the inventories and reports described in Pa. O. C. Rule 14.8(a),(1),(2),(3),(4), and (5) are completed and filed in accordance with the Rules.2. The Guardianship Compliance Officer may, in their discretion utilize any of the compliance procedures described in Pa O. C. Rule 14.8(f) to remedy incomplete or delinquent reports or inventories.3. The Bedford County Clerk of Orphans' Court and staff are directed to advise the Guardianship Compliance Officer of delinquent or incomplete inventories and reports.4. The Guardianship Compliance Officer shall be a member of the Bar of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.5. The Guardianship Compliance Officer shall submit billings for services rendered periodically to the Court for reimbursement at the rate of $65.00 per hour for any and all work performed. Said invoices shall list the docket number and name of each guardianship, a brief description of the services performed, and the hours or parts of an hour involved.6. Carol Ann Rose, Esquire, is designated as the Guardianship Compliance Officer to serve at the discretion of the President Judge.Adopted January 8, 2019, effective 3/4/2019.