''Award.'' The finding of a Board of Arbitration, an arbitrator(s), or a dispute resolution proceeding which compels payment, in any form of monetary exchange, to a prevailing party from a non-prevailing party.
AND NOW, this ____ day of ______, 20 ____, a Rule is issued upon ______ to show cause why sanctions should not be imposed for failure to deliver awarded funds to ______ or ______ within thirty-five (35) days after receipt of an award. Rule returnable twenty (20) days hereafter, or ______, 20 ____, by which time an Answer shall be filed. If necessary, a hearing or discovery on this matter will be held following the return of the Rule at a time or in a manner to be designated by the Court. Thereafter, an appropriate Order shall be entered.
______, J.
AND NOW, this ______day of ______, 20 ______, upon consideration of the Petition for Sanctions and its attachments, the Answer thereto, and upon a finding that payment was not made to ______or ______ within thirty-five days of receipt of the award in the above captioned action, and ______ conduct in failing to deliver the awarded funds is dilatory, obdurate and vexatious, it is hereby ORDERED and DECREED that in addition to the award of $( ____ ), ______ is ordered to pay forthwith simple interest thereon at the rate of _____ on $( ____ ) from ______ to the date of delivery of the awarded funds, together with $( ____ ) in attorneys' fees, and $ _____ in liquidated damages, pursuant to Beaver County Local 229.1.
______, J.
Beav. Cnty. Pa. 1306.1