Beav. Cnty. Pa. 1302F
An Arbitrator who has a conflict or is unable to attend a scheduled hearing date must immediately notify the Court Administrator. The Court Administrator shall appoint a substitute Arbitrator of similar experience (i.e., a Chair position will only be filled by another eligible Chair). Absent good cause, if an Arbitrator is unable to serve, then the Arbitrator must provide notice to the Court Administrator twenty (20) calendar days prior to the scheduled hearing date.
Should a vacancy on the Board of Arbitration occur for any reason prior to hearing, or should a member of the Board be unable to serve or fail to attend on the arbitration day, the Court Administrator shall be notified and shall appoint a substitute. The appointment of the substitute Arbitrator shall be communicated to all parties or their counsel prior to the commencement of the hearing. If a party has an objection to the substitute, it shall be made forthwith or be waived.
Should an Arbitrator fail to appear on the scheduled arbitration day, without good cause, or without having notified the Court Administrator at least twenty (20) calendar days prior thereto, then that Arbitrator shall be removed from the list of eligible Arbitrators. Sanctions may be imposed against the delinquent Arbitrator. A delinquent Arbitrator may petition the Court for reinstatement onto the list of eligible Arbitrators for good cause shown.
Beav. Cnty. Pa. 1302F