Praecipe for Hearing Date
(Caption No. _________)
__________________________________ (address) or
with a copy by ordinary mail to each of the following:
(list names and addresses of persons named in the investigation affidavit under 430 as likely to know the present whereabouts of the defendant.)
Attorney for Plaintiff
Notice of Hearing
Note: If a party is confined in prison and desires to appear, application may be made to the court for a writ of habeas corpus and To _________ testificandum . ________
You are notifed that the case of __________________________ vs. _____________________, no. __________ Term _________________ will be heard on __________________ at _____ o'clock ___.m. (prevailing time) at Room No. _______, _________________________, Pittsburgh, PA, when and where you may appear and be heard if you desire.
Alle. Cnty. Pa. 1920.51
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