Rule 8.012 - FAMILY LAW CASE SETTLEMENT CONFERENCES(1) A settlement conference may be held at the joint request of the parties and by order of the court. A settlement conference consists of the parties meeting with a judge who will actively aid in the settlement of the case. Settlement conferences are available in all family law, dissolution, annulment, separation, custody, parenting time, filiation and modification proceedings under ORS chapters 25, 107, 108, 109 and 110. Juvenile Court matters are excluded, unless consolidated with domestic relations matters or approved by a judge. Represented and unrepresented parties are subject to this rule. Settlement conferences, if requested, are discretionary with the court.(2) If the parties requests a settlement conference, that request shall be filed with the judge responsible for that case using Form SLR 8.012. The court will then order that a settlement conference be held, and it shall be conducted according to the procedures set forth in this rule.(3) Any request for a settlement conference shall state whether the parties stipulate or not to the assigned judge acting as the settlement judge. If the parties stipulate to the assigned judge acting as the settlement judge, they shall submit the appropriate written waivers with their request for a settlement conference. No judge conducting a settlement conference under this rule shall be permitted to act as trial judge unless the parties so stipulate.(4) The settlement conference shall not delay the trial scheduling without the consent of the judge assigned to the case. All requests for judicial settlement conference shall be made no later than 60 days before trial.(5) At least one business day prior to the scheduled settlement conference each attorney or party shall submit directly to the settlement judge's office, and not to the court clerks' office, a statement regarding the issues in the case. Submissions shall include, where appropriate, a statement pursuant to UTCR 8.010(3), a Uniform Support Declaration and parenting evaluation, and may include any other helpful information. These documents are not confidential but shall not be placed in the trial court file unless requested.(6) With the exception of formal documents to be filed as part of the settlement conference process, no information disclosed shall be revealed by the settlement judge or by any of the parties to the subsequent trial judge, except for evidence of offers to recover attorney fees that are made and rejected.(7) All attorneys and clients, or persons with full authority to settle, must attend the settlement conference. Appearance by simultaneous electronic transmission (e.g., telephone, video) may be permitted by the court.(8) If a settlement is reached, the parties shall place the settlement on the record.(9) All required court fees shall be paid prior to commencement of the settlement conference.Amended effective 2/1/2024.