Rule 3.011 - DECORUM PROVISIONS FOR 10 th JUDICIAL DISTRICT(1) Proper attire and appropriate behavior is required by everyone entering the Union or Wallowa County Circuit Court and will be strictly enforced. Anyone not properly dressed upon arriving in the courtroom may be sent away until properly dressed.(2) The following apparel items are unacceptable:(a) Tube tops, tank tops, halter tops, bare midriff tops, see-through tops;(c) Dresses shorter than the fingertips of extended arms;(d) Skirts or pants with waists that allow undergarments to be seen;(e) Clothing with large holes, cut-off sleeves or pants;(f) Hats or bandanas/do-rags;(g) Clothing that display controlled substances (tobacco, alcohol, drugs), double meanings, hate motivated behavior, illegal activities, obscene gestures or language, profanity, sexual references, or violence;(i) Chains that could be used as weapons;(j) Garments meant to be worn as undergarments, worn as outer garments and sagging, bagging or dragging pants;3) No chewing gum or tobacco use in the courtroom. If you are chewing tobacco or gum upon arrival to court, you will be required to remove them before entering the courtroom.(4) Please remember, your choice of clothing reflects an attitude when appearing before the court. The following attire is suggested for all non-lawyers appearing in court.: (a) Long or short sleeve shirts with collars.(c) Slacks or dress denim trousers(5) During designated emergency situations, public safety may require relevant personal protective apparel including, but not limited to facial masks. Everyone appearing in court, attorneys, parties, witnesses, observers, court staff will be expected to follow any prescribed safety measure. This requirement is authorized by ORS 1.010, ORS 1.177, and UTCR 3.010.(6) Attorneys are responsible for making their clients and witnesses aware of the decorum requirements.Wallowa Supp. L. R. 3.011
Amended effective 2/1/2024.