Rule 8.012 - PARENT EDUCATION CLASS AND MEDIATION ORIENTATION(1) In any domestic relations action involving the custody or parenting time of minor children, including enforcement or modification proceedings and proceedings involving parties who are non-parents, all parties shall attend a parent education class and mediation orientation session provided by the court prior to a judicial determination of the issues. For purposes of this rule, domestic relations actions include dissolution of marriage, separation, annulment, filiation, dissolution of domestic partnership, guardianship and such other cases as shall be designated by the Presiding Judge.(2) Attendance at a parent education class and mediation orientation shall not be required in any case arising under the Family Abuse Prevention Act, ORS 107.700-107.730, or the stalking act, ORS 163.730-163.755.(3) The parent education class shall include information about parenting children during the process of separation or dissolution of marriage and shall be designed to assist parents and other adults in meeting children's needs during this period. Mediation orientation shall include information about the mediation process, other dispute resolution processes, including litigation, and circumstances in which mediation may not be appropriate. The classes shall be open to the public.(4) Parties may attend a similar parent education session in another Oregon county and file a certificate of attendance with the court. With prior court approval parties may attend a similar parent education session in another state.(5) The court, upon the motion of any party or upon its own motion, may order parties in any action identified in subparagraph (1), above, to attend such supplemental education programs as the court deems to be in the best interest of the minor children.Amended effective 2/1/2024.