Rule 1.172 - BUILDING SECURITYThe Umatilla County Courthouse in Pendleton, the Stafford Hansel Government Center Circuit Court (second floor), and the Morrow County Courthouse in Heppner, or any other facility or location where the court conducts its business are court facilities for the use of members of the public to exercise their rights to view proceedings and handle their affairs through the court. There is no right of public access to staff areas or judicial chambers, offices, jury rooms, or conference rooms. Any right of access to public areas may, however, be removed as a result of conduct detrimental to the safety of the court's judicial officers, other officers of the court, its employees, and members of the public. This type of conduct may result in the ejection of a person or party from these facilities and possibly limit them from re-entry into these buildings for a specified period of time. Such detrimental conduct may include, but is not limited to:
(1) Direct physical assault or physical harassment upon any person;(2) Destruction or theft of court records or posted public notices;(3) Vandalism, defacing, burning, or other physical destruction of any device or room within these facilities;(4) Intimidation, extortion, coercion, or other forcible conduct aimed at interrupting the court's judicial officers, other officers of the court, and its employees in the course of their work or at interfering with members of the Bar or of the public in their dealings with the court;(5) Any conduct which interferes with or interrupts a court proceeding or court administration;(6) Any entrance into an area of these buildings designated off-limits or for employees only;(7) Any introduction of noxious odors designed to deny members of the public the use of any public part of these buildings;(8) Any attempt, either by fraud or threat, to gain access to confidential court records or material;(9) Any attempt, either by fraud or threat, to gain access to the private office of a judicial officer, the court administrator, or other court officer; or(10) Any attempt by a member of the public to deny any other member of the public the use of these buildings.Umatilla Supp. L. R. 1.172
Amended effective 2/1/2024.