Tillamook Supp. L. R. 4.013
In any misdemeanor criminal case before the court wherein a defendant is represented by counsel, a criminal defendant may waive appearance at arraignment prior to the time and date set for arraignment identified on a Security Release Agreement executed by the Tillamook County Jail. A defendant may not waive appearance at arraignment if the defendant has not been booked into the Tillamook County Jail for the alleged offense or offenses and does not have either a conditional release or security release on file with the court. The defendant, through counsel, waives appearance at arraignment by filing with the court, prior to the date and time for arraignment, a document confirming representation by counsel, acknowledging receipt of the charging instrument and confirming the defendant's name and date of birth are correct on the charging instrument and waiving notification of the defendant's rights by the court.
Tillamook Supp. L. R. 4.013