Tillamook Supp. L. R. 12.003
If there is a disagreement between the parents concerning custody or parenting time at any stage of a domestic relations proceeding, both parents or their attorneys may sign and file with the court a stipulated request for mediation. A mediator will be available to the parents in accordance with these rules or the parents may agree and stipulate to an independent mediator in their stipulated request for mediation. If the parties choose an independent mediator, the cost for the mediator will be paid by the parties jointly.
If there is a disagreement between the parents concerning custody or parenting time at any stage for domestic relations proceeding, either parent seeking to resolve the matter may file with the court and serve upon the other parent or his/her attorney a request for mediation.
Whenever a respondent generally appears in a domestic relations suit by filing an answer such as "Respondent Appears" or the like, the respondent shall in addition state whether there is any disagreement over child custody and/or parenting time in the case or alternatively, whether child custody or parenting time is not an issue in the case.
When the parties have not requested mediation but it appears that custody and/or parenting time is/are issue(s) in a proceeding that results in final judgment or order, the court shall refer the matter to mediation; and in a proceeding that results in a temporary order, the court may refer the matter to mediation.
Tillamook Supp. L. R. 12.003