Rule SLR 8.075 - PARENTING PLAN(1) Oregon law recognizes that children should have frequent and continuing contact with parents who have shown the ability to act in the child's best interest. Parents are encouraged to share in the rights and responsibilities of raising their children, and to consider the best interests of their children in developing a parenting plan. At the very least, a parenting plan must outline the minimum amount of time each parent is entitled to spend with the child. That time is called "parenting time."(2) The purpose of a Parenting Plan is to provide assistance to parents who have not otherwise developed a Parenting Plan. Parents are encouraged to be flexible and to consider their child's best interests in arranging additional parenting time.(3) Please refer to the websites listed in SLR 1.171 for information, work sheets, and an example designed to assist in the development of a Parenting Plan. Sherman Supp. L. R. SLR 8.075
Amended effective 2/1/2024.