Rule 8.015 - STATEMENT OF ASSETS(1) In lieu of the filing of separate statements of assets and liabilities, values and proposed distribution, as provided by UTCR, counsel for the parties may file a single joint statement containing a single list of those assets and liabilities (described individually or by groupings, as counsel may agree) which either or both parties claim to be subject to distribution by the court. Such single joint statements shall set forth, opposite description of each listed asset and liability (or assets and liabilities by grouping); (a) a separate listing of each party's valuation of the asset or liability; and (b) a proposal for distribution of such asset or liability; or(c) a statement that such asset or liability is not subject to distribution by the court; or that, for the reasons stated,(d) a statement that the value of the asset or liability should not be taken into account by the court in the division and distribution of the parties' assets and liabilities.(2) In the event counsel for the parties file separate statements pursuant to UTCR, such statements must include all assets and liabilities which either or both parties claim to be subject to distribution by the court; must contain identical description of such assets and liabilities (either individually or by grouping); must list the assets and liabilities in the same order; and must include the filing party's position that the asset or liability is not subject to distribution by the court, or, that for the reasons stated, the value of the asset or liability should not be taken into account by the court in the division and distribution of the parties' assets and liabilities.(3) Statements of assets and liabilities, whether filed jointly or separately, shall, to the extent possible, also reflect the following:(a) Disputed property should be grouped, separate from undisputed property;(b) Sub-totals should be reflected for each category and grouping;(c) Wholesale and retail bluebook values should be listed for all vehicles listed; and(d) Assets and liabilities should be divided into short and long-term categories.Polk Cnty. Supp. L. R. 8.015
Amended effective 2/1/2024.