Or. Uni. Trial. Ct. R. 3.050
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Or. Uni. Trial. Ct. R. 3.050
1991 Commentary :
This 1991 change is not intended by the committee to transfer control of the conduct of the trial process from the trial judge to the litigants. The change is intended to facilitate the identification of exhibits by witnesses; the use of diagrams, photographs, and other exhibits by the examining attorney and witnesses; and to encourage the effective use of demonstrative evidence and exhibits in a manner facilitating the fact finder's understanding of the evidence. The committee recognizes that there is the potential for abuse of this rule change, which may be distracting or disruptive of the proceedings, and thus the court retains the ability to maintain appropriate decorum and order.
The committee recognizes that there are a number of factors which may affect the extent to which free movement is appropriate in a particular case. Without attempting to be all inclusive, these factors may include such things as: the physical layout of the courtroom; the age of the witness; the emotional/physical condition of the witness; the size, number, and nature of exhibits; etc. The committee therefore encourages communication between the litigants and the trial judge at the commencement of trial covering these considerations and resolving any uncertainty.