Rule 2.020 - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE(1) A certificate of service must include:(a) If the opposing party was served electronically by the court's eFiling system pursuant to UTCR 21.100, a statement that service was accomplished at the party's email address as recorded on the date of service in the eFiling system.(b) If the opposing party was served by facsimile pursuant to ORCP 9 F, the telephone number at which the party was served.(c) If the opposing party was served by email pursuant to ORCP 9 G, the email address at which the party was served.(d) If the opposing party was served by any other means, the physical address or postal address at which the party was served, as applicable.(2) When a summons or other civil process is served by one other than a sheriff or deputy sheriff, the certificate of service must include the name, telephone number and address of the person who served the summons or process.Or. Uni. Trial. Ct. R. 2.020