Rule 11.140 - DEPENDENCY JUDGMENTS OF JURISDICTION AND DISPOSITION(1) A judgment of jurisdiction entered under ORS chapter 419B must state how each allegation in the petition(s) under consideration is resolved: whether it is admitted, proved, dismissed, or pended.(2) A judgment of jurisdiction entered under ORS chapter 419B that is based on a postjurisdiction dependency petition filed during an existing wardship must include: (a) In the document title, in parentheses, the title of the petition or petitions it is resolving, e.g., JUDGMENT OF JURISDICTION (SECOND PETITION);(b) The bases of jurisdiction previously established during the existing wardship that have not been dismissed;(c) The date each basis of jurisdiction was established in a judgment of jurisdiction; and(d) The date of the first judgment establishing jurisdiction over the ward during the current wardship episode. (3) A separately entered judgment of disposition that is based on a post-jurisdiction dependency petition filed during an existing wardship must include the title of the petition it is based on in parentheses in the document title.Or. Uni. Trial. Ct. R. 11.140