Article XII - Sunsetting the SectionSection 1. A Section Executive Committee may recommend that the Board of Governors sunset the section if it has accomplished its goals or is otherwise deemed no longer necessary. A sunset recommendation submitted to the Board of Governors must include a proposal for distribution of any section assets.Section 2. The Section has a duty to its members, and at a minimum each year, must:A. Hold regular Executive Committee meetings.B. Appoint a Nominating CommitteeC. Elect officers and executive committee members at large by December 15 of each year.D. Submit an annual budget for the Board of Governors approval.E. File an annual report.F. Sponsor or co-sponsor no fewer than one continuing legal education program every two years. If the Section fails to meet any of the above minimum requirements or has less than 100 members, it is subject to restructuring or sunsetting by the Board of Governors, pursuant to OSB Bylaw 15.2.
Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Standard Section Bylaws, art. XII
Revised effective 4/1/2021.