Section 1. With approval of the CEO or designee, the Section Executive Committee may establish as many standing committees or subcommittees as deemed necessary and may set the names, functions, and duration of such committees. The Chair, with the approval of the Section Executive Committee, shall appoint the Chair and members of all standing committees.Section 2. With approval of the CEO or CEO's designee, the Executive Committee may appoint as many special committees or subcommittees for particular purposes as deemed appropriate and may set the names, functions, and duration of such committees. The Chair, with the approval of the Section Executive Committee, shall appoint the Chair and members of all special committees.Section 3. The Section Executive Committee must adopt a charge for each standing or special committee established that clearly identifies how it furthers the section's mission and purpose.Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Standard Section Bylaws, art. VII
Revised effective 4/1/2021.