Section 1. The officers of the Section Executive Committee shall be the Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and such other officers as may be determined to be necessary by the membership. Officers of the Section Executive Committees shall be active members of the Oregon State Bar. Section Executive Committees may establish eligibility requirements or other procedures to ensure rotation of the Chair among specific practice areas of the membership, such as plaintiff or defense counsel.Section 2. The Chair, or the Chair-Elect in the absence of the Chair, shall preside at all meetings of the Section Executive Committee. The Chair shall appoint the officers and members of all committees of the Section Executive Committee pursuant to Article VII; plan and monitor the programs of the Section; keep the Section Executive Committee informed and carry out its decisions; and perform such other duties as may be designated by the Section Executive Committee.Section 3. The Chair-Elect will become the Chair on January 1 regardless of the date of the election. The Chair-Elect shall aid the Chair in the performance of the Chair's responsibilities, and shall perform such other duties as may be designated by the Section Executive Committee. In the event of the death, disability, or resignation of the Chair, the Chair-Elect shall perform the duties of the Chair for the remainder of the Chair's term or disability.Section 4. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings, including recording the votes of Section Executive Committee members at each meeting. All outcomes of Section member votes for Section Executive Committee members shall be included in Section Executive Committee minutes. The Secretary shall provide a final copy of the minutes to the Bar for retention in accordance with law.Section 5. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures by the Section as hereinafter provided; report on the Section's present and projected financial condition at each meeting of the Section Executive Committee; and prepare an annual projected budget for approval by the Section Executive Committee and the Board of Governors.Section 6. Section Chairs shall serve as ex-officio voting members of the Oregon State Bar House of Delegates. In the event the section chair holds another position that also serves as an ex officio member of the House of Delegates, the section chair shall designate an alternate to serve in the chair's stead at any House of Delegates meeting. In all other situations, the section chair may designate an alternate delegate to serve in the chair's stead at any House of Delegates meeting. An alternate delegate must be a person duly authorized in the section's bylaws or otherwise to act in the section chair's stead.Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Standard Section Bylaws, art. IV
Revised effective 4/1/2021.