Out-of-state travel for board members will be reimbursed for those persons and meetings set forth in the Bar's annual budget or as otherwise approved by the Board of Governors. Employees must obtain prior approval of the Chief Executive Officer prior to traveling out-of-state.
Use of a personal automobile is reimbursed at the allowable IRS rate. Airfare is reimbursed at the actual cost of coach fare unless the flight is at least three hours and an upgrade to business class can be obtained for $100 or less. Actual cost of taxi, bus or other public transportation is reimbursable. Actual cost of car rental at economy car rate when other transportation is not readily available.
Actual cost for a moderately priced, double-occupancy room, except when the location of the meeting or conference requires other arrangements. Receipts for lodging must be attached to the reimbursement form.
Reimbursement for meals will be made at actual cost of the meal provided that the expense is supported by itemized receipts and meets the standard of reasonableness. A request for reimbursement for meals without receipts will be reimbursed according to the rates published under the Federal Travel Regulations as put out by the U.S. General Service Administration for federal government travel. Meals purchased for members of the Bar or other persons in the course of official bar business will be reimbursed at actual cost with submission of itemized receipts and an explanation provided it meets the standard of reasonableness. Official dinners of the Bar or law-related groups which staff, BOG members or volunteers and their spouses or guests are expected to attend will be paid for by the Bar and, if not, will be eligible for reimbursement.
Telephone, postage, office expense, registration fees and other legitimate business expenses will be reimbursed at actual cost with submission of receipts or an explanation of the business purpose of the expense. Bar funds must not be used to pay the cost of alcoholic beverages.
Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Policies, ch. 2, Policy 2.2400