As amended through November 29, 2024
State Lawyers Assistance CommitteeThe State Lawyers Assistance Committee ("SLAC") has authority:
(a) To receive, review, investigate, process and resolve all complaints and referrals to SLAC regarding lawyers whose performance or conduct may impair their ability to practice law or their professional competence.(b) To require lawyers within SLAC's jurisdiction to submit to a professional assessment and diagnosis and to comply with any remedial program that SLAC has established. A remedial program may include conditions on the law practice and other law-related activities of any lawyer found to be within SLAC's jurisdiction. Conditions may include, but are not limited to, requiring a lawyer to obtain medical or psychological treatment at his or her expense and to discontinue the practice of law and/or law-related activities pending completion of such treatment.(c) To monitor a lawyer's compliance with the recommended measures of a remedial program.(d) To maintain records regarding a lawyer's assistance referrals.(e) To prepare an annual report to the Board of Governors.(f) To recommend, for approval by the Board of Governors, such rules as may be necessary to properly operate SLAC.(g) To appoint local bar members as it may deem appropriate for carrying out the work and purpose of SLAC.Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Policies, ch. 19, Policy 19.100
Adopted effective 4/14/2023.