(a) Based on all the information gathered by the designee, SLAC will consider and determine whether the referred lawyer's performance or conduct may be impairing the lawyer's professional competence or ability to practice law. If SLAC finds that the lawyer's performance or conduct may not impair the lawyer's professional competence or ability to practice law, the matter will be dismissed and the lawyer notified of the disposition of the matter. If SLAC finds that the lawyer's professional competence or ability to practice law is impaired, SLAC will so advise the referred lawyer in writing and require the lawyer to participate in a remedial program of monitoring, treatment, counseling or training.(b) The referred lawyer will have the opportunity to participate in determining the nature and extent of the remedial program to be undertaken, but SLAC's decision regarding the program is final.(c) SLAC will set forth the remedial measures to be undertaken in a written agreement to be signed by the lawyer. The agreement will contain the referred lawyer's acknowledgement that failure or refusal to cooperate in the remedial program is grounds for discipline under Oregon RPC 8.1(c) and may be reported to the proper authority.(d) SLAC may require the lawyer to submit periodic reports from persons responsible for implementing the remedial program or who have information about the lawyer's compliance.(e)The referred lawyer must pay the costs of the remedial program that SLAC requires.(f) The designee will monitor the referred lawyer's participation in the remedial program and will report regularly to SLAC.(g) The remedial program may be revised from time to time, as SLAC deems appropriate, and may include an extended period of monitoring.(h) When SLAC determines that the referred lawyer has successfully completed the remedial program and that the lawyer's ability to practice law and professional competence is no longer impaired, the case will be closed.Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Policies, ch. 19, Policy 19.106
Adopted effective 4/14/2023.