Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Policies, ch. 14, Policy 14.400

As amended through November 29, 2024
Section Finances and Contracts
(a) Section administrative fees are recalculated periodically as determined by the Chief Executive Officer. Sections with a fund balance as of December 31 equal to or less than two years of section membership fees will be charged a fee equal to 50 percent of the per capita fee.
(b) Sections with a fund balance as of December 31 exceeding two years of section membership fees will be charged the full per capita fee for the following year. A section may request a waiver to maintain a larger fund balance by submitting a written request to the Board by October 15, outlining the specific event or program for which the funds are needed.
(c) No section may maintain a separate bank account. Each section's receipts and expenditures are handled by the Bar and accounted for in the section's monthly financial statement provided by the Bar. Interest on section accounts accrues to the Bar's General Fund and is used to offset the calculation of the per capita fee.
(d) Sections seeking to contract for any goods or services with organizations or individuals or seeking to amend or cancel existing section contracts must contact the OSB's Office of General Counsel for assistance. General Counsel must review and approve all contracts and contract amendments before a contract or amendment is finalized. The CEO or the CEO's designee must approve all section contracts.
(e) Any damages and penalties incurred by the Bar as a result of a section contract will be assessed to the section, unless the Board specifically authorizes damages and penalties to be charged to the Bar's General Fund.
(f) Special services of the Bar that are not included in the calculation of the per capita assessment may be made available at cost to the sections upon adequate notification to and negotiation with the Bar. Sections must give the Bar the first opportunity to provide the support services before contracting with outside organizations or individuals.

Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Policies, ch. 14, Policy 14.400

Adopted effective 4/14/2023.