Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Bylaws, art. 22, 22.1

As amended through November 29, 2024
Section 22.1 - Board of Bar Examiners

Pursuant to ORS 9.210, the Supreme Court appoints a Board of Bar Examiners (BBX) to carry out the admissions function of the Oregon State Bar. The BBX recommends to the Supreme Court for admission to practice those who fulfill the requirements prescribed by law and the rules of the Court. The BBX's responsibilities include: investigating applicants' character and fitness, developing a bar examination, determining the manner of examination, determining appropriate accommodations for applicants, grading the bar examinations and setting standards for bar examination passage. The BBX may appoint co-graders to assist with the grading of examinations. The BBX may also recommend to the Court rules governing the qualifications, requirements and procedures for admission to the bar, by examination or otherwise, for law student appearance, and other subjects relevant to the responsibilities of the BBX.

Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Bylaws, art. 22, 22.1

As amended by 11/19/2022.