Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Bylaws, art. 2, 2.10
The President presides at all meetings of the Board and has the authority to exercise the Board's power between board meetings and to take appropriate action whenever the President finds that a board meeting is not necessary or cannot reasonably be convened. However, the President's action must be consistent with any actions taken or policies previously adopted by the Board or by the membership. The President must report any such action at the next board meeting. The President performs such other duties as the Board directs. The President is the official chief spokesperson for the Bar. If public appearances or statements by the chairperson or other officer or member of any bar committee are deemed necessary, prior authority must be obtained in advance from the President.
The President-elect performs the duties of the President in the absence, inability or refusal of the President to perform those duties. The President-elect performs other duties as the Board directs.
The Immediate Past President is a non-voting ex officio member of the Board. Upon completion of the term for which the President is elected, the President becomes the Immediate Past-President for one year. The duties of the Immediate Past President will be as agreed between the Immediate Past President and the Board from time to time. Expenses of the Immediate Past President will be reimbursed as approved by the Board.
Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Bylaws, art. 2, 2.10