Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Bylaws, art. 18, 18.12
The Chief Executive Officer of the Bar and the bar staff have no responsibility or authority with respect to the management of the PLF. However, because the PLF is a function of the Bar, the Chief Executive Officer and bar staff will cooperate with the Board of Directors of the PLF, its Chief Executive Officer, and staff in all areas of the PLF's business and activities. Likewise, it is expected that the PLF Chief Executive Officer and staff will cooperate with the Bar, its Chief Executive Officer and staff in all areas of the Bar's business and activities. The Chief Executive Officer of the Bar will make the PLF aware of all personnel and other policies of the Bar so that there may be uniformity for all bar functions recognizing, however, that the nature of the PLF may justify deviations from such policies in certain circumstances.
Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Oregon State Bar Bylaws, art. 18, 18.12