Rule Three - Minimum Continuing Legal Education Requirement3.1 Effective Date. These Rules, or any amendments thereto, shall take effect upon their approval by the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon.3.2Active Members.(a) Minimum Hours. Except as provided in Rules 3.3 and 3.4, all active members shall complete a minimum of 45 credit hours of accredited CLE activity every three years as provided in these Rules.(b) Ethics. At least five of the required hours shall be in subjects relating to ethics in programs accredited pursuant to Rule 5.14(a).(c) Abuse Reporting. One hour must be on the subject of a lawyer's statutory duty to report child abuse and elder abuse (see ORS 9.114).(d) Mental Health and Substance Use Education. At least one of the required hours shall be in subjects relating to mental health, substance use, or cognitive impairment that can affect a lawyer's ability to practice law.(e) Access to Justice. In alternate reporting periods, at least three of the required hours must be in programs accredited for access to justice pursuant to Rule 5.14(d).3.3Reinstatements, Resumption of Practice After Retirement and New Admittees.(a) An active member whose reporting period is established in Rule 3.6(c)(2) or 3.6(c)(3) shall complete 15 credit hours of accredited CLE activity in the first reporting period after reinstatement. Two of the 15 credit hours shall be devoted to ethics and one shall be devoted to mental health and substance use education.(b) The requirements in Rule 3.2(a) shall apply to new admittees who are active members in a three year initial reporting period pursuant to 3.6(b). New admittees in a shorter initial reporting period shall complete 15 credit hours of accredited CLE activity in the first reporting period after admission as an active member, including a three credit hour OSB-approved introductory course in access to justice, two credit hours in ethics, one credit hour in mental health and substance use education and nine credit hours in practical skills. One of the ethics credit hours must be devoted to Oregon ethics and professionalism and four of the nine credits in practical skills must be devoted to Oregon practice and procedure.(c) New admittees shall enroll in the NLMP within 28 days of admission, except as otherwise provided in these rules. New admittees shall complete the requirements of the NLMP curriculum established by the BOG, complete a mentoring plan and file a NLMP Completion Certificate, and pay the accreditation fee provided in Regulation 4.600 in the first three year reporting period after admission as an active member. 3.4Out-of-State Compliance.(a) Reciprocity Jurisdictions. An active member whose principal office for the practice of law is not in the State of Oregon and who is an active member in a jurisdiction with which Oregon has established MCLE reciprocity may comply with these rules by filing a compliance report as required by MCLE Rule 7.1 accompanied by evidence that the member is in compliance with the requirements of the other jurisdiction and has completed a child and elder abuse reporting credit required in ORS 9.114. This filing shall include payment of the fee set forth in Regulation 3.200(a) for processing the comity certificate of MCLE compliance from the reciprocal state.(b) An active member whose principal office for the practice of law is in the State of Oregon may obtain from the MCLE Program Manager a comity certification of Oregon MCLE compliance upon payment of the fee set forth in Regulation 3.200(b)(c) Other Jurisdictions. An active member whose principal office for the practice of law is not in the State of Oregon and is not in a jurisdiction with which Oregon has established MCLE reciprocity must file a compliance report as required by MCLE Rule 7.1 showing that the member has completed at least 45 hours of accredited CLE activities as required by Rule 3.2. 3.6Reporting Period.(a) In General. All active members shall have three-year reporting periods, except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c).(b) New Admittees. The first reporting period for a new admittee shall start on the date of admission as an active member and shall end on April 30 of the next calendar year, except a new admittee admitted by reciprocity who has practiced law in another jurisdiction for three consecutive years immediately prior to admission in Oregon shall have a three year initial reporting period that begins May 1 the year following admission and ends April 30 three years later. All subsequent reporting periods shall be three years.(c) Reinstatements. (1) A member who transfers to inactive, retired or Active Pro Bono status, is suspended, or has resigned and who is reinstated before the end of the reporting period in effect at the time of the status change shall retain the member's original reporting period and these Rules shall be applied as though the transfer, suspension, or resignation had not occurred.(2) Except as provided in Rule 3.6(c)(1), the first reporting period for a member who is reinstated as an active member following a transfer to inactive, retired or Active Pro Bono status or a suspension, disbarment or resignation shall start on the date of reinstatement and shall end on April 30 of the next calendar year. All subsequent reporting periods shall be three years.(3) Notwithstanding Rules 3.6(c)(1) and (2), reinstated members who did not submit a completed compliance report for the reporting period immediately prior to their transfer to inactive, retired or Active Pro Bono status, suspension or resignation will be assigned a new reporting period upon reinstatement. This reporting period shall begin on the date of reinstatement and shall end on April 30 of the next calendar year. All subsequent reporting periods shall be three years.Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic. Three
As amended effective 11/1/2022.