Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Legal Services Program, Standards and Guidelines, II

As amended through November 29, 2024
Governing Structure
A. Statutory Authority

On September 24, 1997, the Oregon State Bar Legal Services Program (OSB LSP) was established by the Board of Bar Governors as directed by ORS 9.572 to 9.578(Appendix A1). The OSB LSP is charged with: the administration of funds appropriated to the OSB by ORS 9.577, ORS 98.386(2), ORS 9.241(3) and ORCP 32 O (Appendix A2) for funding legal services programs; the establishment of standards and guidelines for the funded legal services programs (Providers); and the development of evaluation methods to provide oversight of the Providers.

B. Governing Committee
1. Purpose: The Board of Governors has created the Governing Committee (OSB LSP Committee) pursuant to ORS 9.572(3) to advise the bar in the operation of the Legal Services Program, as outlined in these Standards and Guidelines, ORS 9.572(1). The OSB LSP Committee receives direction from the Board of Governors.
2. Relationship to the Legal Services Program Director: The Legal Services Program Director appointed by the bar, pursuant to ORS 9.572(2), is charged with periodically reviewing legal service providers who receive funding from the Legal Services Program, ORS 9.576(1). The OSB LSP Committee is charged to assist and advise the LSP Director in carrying out the LSP program review among other duties to assist and advise.
3. Duties to the OSB Board of Governors: The OSB LSP Committee will be responsible for reviewing and reporting to or making recommendations to the OSB Board of Governors on the following: The Standards and Guidelines for the OSB LSP and their periodic review Applications for funding to the OSB LSP Disbursement of funds and annual OSB LSP budget Assessment of Provider Programs Annual reporting by the Providers Legislative issues involving the civil legal aid funds Complaints and grievances about Providers Additional work of the OSB LSP
4. Membership
a. Appointment: Appointment of members to the OSB LSP Committee shall be made by the Oregon State Bar Board of Governors.
b. Membership: The OSB LSP Committee will consist of 9 members: 7 members, in good standing, of the Oregon State Bar; and 2 public members. The membership should be representative of the statewide aspect of the OSB LSP and should reflect the diversity of the service areas. No more than 3 attorney members should be from the Portland metropolitan area. The following criteria should be considered in selecting members:
1) Commitment to the basic principles of access to justice
2) Ability to advance the mission of the OSB LSP
3) Knowledge and understanding of providing quality legal services to low-income people.
4) History of support for legal services providers
5) Representation of a geographic area with special attention given to practice area specialties.
5. Term of Appointment: Appointments will be made for 3-year terms with the exception of the initial attorney appointments. To stagger vacancies on the OSB LSP Committee and to provide continuity, the initial appointments will be: 3 attorneys appointed for 3 years; 2 attorneys appointed for 2 years, and 2 attorneys appointed for 1 year.
6. Liaisons to Committee: The Oregon Law Foundation and the Campaign for Equal Justice are invited and encouraged to each have a liaison to the OSB LSP.
7. Meetings: The OSB LSP Committee will meet as needed. The Chair can call Special Meetings as needed. Meeting notices and agendas will be sent out according to public meeting law. Members can participate by telephone.
8. Quorum: Five members constitute a quorum for voting purposes.
9. Subcommittees: The OSB LSP Committee Chair has the authority to appoint additional subcommittees to make recommendations on specific issues as needed.
C. Program Staff
1. Director of Legal Services Program: The OSB Director of Legal Services Program (OSB LSP Director) is hired and supervised by the Executive Director of the Oregon State Bar. The OSB LSP Director staffs the OSB LSP Committee and receives advice and assistance from the OSB LSP Committee when conducting Legal Services Program Review. The OSB LSP Director may also support other work assigned by the Board of Governors to the LSP Committee.
a.The LSP Director will be responsible for monitoring, reviewing, reporting and making recommendations to the OSB LSP Committee on the following: These Standards and Guidelines and their periodic review Applications for funding Disbursement of funds and Annual OSB LSP budget Assessment of Provider Programs Annual Reporting by the Providers Legislative Issues regarding civil legal aid funds Complaints and grievances about Providers Additional work of the OSB LSP
b.The LSP Director will be responsible for providing technical assistance to Providers to ensure compliance with these Standards and Guidelines.

Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Legal Services Program, Standards and Guidelines, II

Adopted effective 5/29/1998; revised 2/22/2018; revised 2/17/2023.