Lawyer Referral Service PoliciesI.Goal: The goals of the Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) are to serve lawyers and the public by referring people who seek and can afford to pay for legal assistance (potential clients) to lawyers who are willing to accept such referrals, and to provide information and other resources as appropriate. All lawyers participating in the LRS (panelists) agree to abide by these Lawyer Referral Service Policies (Policies) and Lawyer Referral Service Operating Procedures (Procedures).II.Eligibility: Lawyers who satisfy the following requirements are eligible to apply for participation in the LRS. The lawyer must: A. Be in private practice;B. Be an active member of the Oregon State Bar in good standing;C. Have malpractice coverage with the Professional Liability Fund (PLF); andD. Have no formal disciplinary, protective, or custodianship proceedings pending. Additional requirements for participation on special subject matter panels are stated in the Procedures. III.Complaints about Panelists:A.Ethics Complaints: Complaints about possible ethical violations by panelists will be referred to the Oregon State Bar Client Assistance Office.B.Fee Complaints: Complaints about panelists' fees will be referred to the OSB Fee Arbitration Program.C.Customer Service Complaints: LRS staff monitor complaints concerning the level of customer service provided by panelists. The character, number, and/or frequency of such complaints may result in removal from the LRS without prior notice.IV.Removal: Panelists may be removed from the LRS or any LRS panel without prior notice if they no longer meet the eligibility requirements, if they violate any of the LRS Policies or Procedures, or as otherwise provided in these Policies and Procedures. Panelists against whom disciplinary, protective, or custodianship proceedings have been approved for filing will be removed from the LRS until those matters have been resolved. A matter will not be deemed resolved until all such proceedings, including appeals, have been concluded and the matter is no longer pending in any form.V.Fees & Refunds:A.Fees: All panelists must pay the LRS registration fees and percentage remittances set by the Board of Governors (BOG) and provided below.1.Registration Fees: All panelists must pay registration fees annually for each program year and, except as provided in Paragraph V.B. "Refunds" (below), registration fees are nonrefundable and will not be prorated. The registration fees are:a)Basic Registration Fee (including home territory and up to four panels):i) $50 for those admitted in Oregon for less than 3 yearsii) $100 for those admitted in Oregon for 3 years or moreb)Enhanced Services Fees:i) Additional Territories: $50 for each additional geographic territoryii) Statewide Listing: $300iii) Additional Panels: $30 for each additional panel beyond the four included in a basic registration2.Remittances: Panelists owe the LRS a remittance when: 1) the panelist has earned and collected attorney fees on an LRS-referred matter, and; 2) the amount earned and collected meets or exceeds the threshold set by the BOG. The remittance owed is a percentage of all attorney fees earned and collected by the panelist on the LRS-referred matter beyond the initial $35 consultation fee. The percentage rate and threshold used to calculate the remittances owed are: 3. Communications Regarding Remittances: Upon settlement of a matter, the panelist must include the LRS with those who have a right to know about the terms of a settlement to the extent necessary to allow the LRS to determine the portion of the fees to which it is entitled.B.Refunds:1. Upon written request, a panelist who has been removed from the LRS is entitled to a prorated refund of registration fees provided that the panelist has no unpaid balances for LRS registration fees or remittances. The amount of the refund will be based on the number of full months remaining in the program year for which the fees were paid, as measured from the date the written request is received. A removed panelist who again meets all of the eligibility requirements prior to the expiration of the program year during which the removal occurred may reapply and be reactivated for the remainder of that program year upon written request and payment of any amount refunded.2. Upon written request, a panelist who is required to refund to a client a portion of a flat fee that was earned upon receipt will be refunded the percentage paid to LRS of the portion refunded to the client.VI.Review and Governance:A.Public Service Advisory Committee (PSAC):1. The PSAC advises the BOG on the operation of the LRS. The PSAC works with LRS staff in the development and revision of these Policies and the Procedures. Amendments to these Policies must be approved by the BOG. Amendments to the Procedures may be approved by the PSAC. The BOG may amend these Policies and Procedures at any time. The RIS Manager has discretion to waive and suspend Procedures for good cause.2. Upon written request, the PSAC will review a decision to remove a panelist at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Such written request must be submitted to the PSAC within 30 calendar days of the date notice of the decision is given to the removed panelist. The PSAC's decision regarding removal is final.3. Upon written request, the PSAC may review a decision regarding a panelist's registration, renewal, and/ or special subject matter panel registration (collectively, registration issues). Such written request must be submitted to the PSAC within 30 calendar days of the date notice of the decision is given to the lawyer. The PSAC's decision regarding registration issues is final.Or. State. Bar. R. Regul. and Polic., Lawyer Referral Service General Information, Lawyer Referral Service Policies