Rule 8.5 - Reinstatement - Noncompliance With Ethics School Requirements(a) Applicants. Subject to BR 8.1(a)(viii), any person who has been a member of the Bar but suspended solely for failure to comply with the requirements of the Ethics School established by BR 6.4 may seek reinstatement at any time subsequent to the date of the applicant's suspension by meeting the following conditions: (1) Completing the requirements that led to the suspension;(2) Filing a written statement with the Chief Executive Officer, on a form prepared by the Bar for that purpose, which establishes compliance with this rule and the applicable Ethics School Rule and attests that the applicant did not engage in the practice of law except where authorized to do so during the period of the applicant's suspension; and(3) Submitting a reinstatement fee of $100 at the time of filing the written statement.(b) Referral to Supreme Court. Upon compliance with the requirements of this rule, the Chief Executive Officer shall submit a recommendation to the court with a copy to the applicant. No reinstatement is effective until approved by the court.(c) Exception. Reinstatement under this rule shall have no effect upon any member's status under any other proceeding under these Rules of Procedure.Rule 8.4 established by Order dated November 24, 1987, effective 1/1/1988. Rule 8.5 former BR 8.4 amended by Order dated March 13, 1989, effective 4/1/1989. Rule 8.5a amended by Order dated December 14, 1995. Rule 8.5a amended by Order dated October 19, 2009. Rule 8.5a amended by Order dated June 6, 2012. Rule 8.5ai, 8.5aii, and 8.5aiii redesignated as Rule 8.5a1, 8.5a2, and 8.53; Rule 8.5a, 8.5a2, 8.5a3, and 8.5b amended by Order dated May 3, 2017, effective 1/1/2018. Rule 8.5a and 8.5a2 amended by Order dated October 31, 2022, effective 11/1/2022.