Rule 1.8 - Service Methods(a) Except as provided in Rule 4.2 and Rule 8.9, any pleading or document required under these rules to be served on a respondent, applicant, attorney, or LP shall be (1) Sent to the respondent, applicant, attorney, or LP, or their attorney if the respondent, applicant, attorney, or LP is represented, by first class mail addressed to the intended recipient at the recipient's last designated business or residence address on file with the Bar, or(2) Sent to the respondent, applicant, attorney, or LP or their attorney if the respondent, applicant, or attorney is represented, by email addressed to the intended recipient at the recipient's last designated email address on file with the Bar.(b) Any pleading or document required under these rules to be served on the Bar shall be sent by first class mail addressed to Disciplinary Counsel at the Bar's business address or served by personal or office service as provided in ORCP 7 D(2)(a)-(c) or sent by email addressed to the intended recipient at the recipient's last designated email address on file with the Bar.(c) A copy of any pleading or document served on Bar Disciplinary Counsel shall also be provided to Bar Counsel, if one has been appointed, by first class mail addressed to their last designated business address on file with the Bar or by personal or office service as provided in ORCP 7 D(2)(a)-(c) or sent by email addressed to the intended recipient at the recipient's last designated email address on file with the Bar.(d) Service by mail shall be complete on deposit in the mail except as provided in BR 1.12.(e) The parties may by mutual agreement serve any document other than the formal complaint and answer by email delivery to the email address identified in the Bar's membership records for the respondent, applicant, or attorney or LP, or their attorney if represented.Rule 1.8 amended by Order dated June 30, 1987. Rule 1.8a amended by Order dated February 23, 1988. Rule 1.8a, b and c amended by Order dated June 17, 2003, effective 7/1/2003. Rule 1.8d amended by Order dated April 26, 2007. Rule 1.8a amended by Order dated August 12, 2013, effective 11/1/2013. Rule 1.8a, b, c amended; Rule 1.8e added by Order dated May 3, 2017, effective 1/1/2018. Rule 1.8a1, a2, b, and c amended by Order dated November 22, 2021. Rule 1.8(a) and (e) amended by Order dated August 17, 2022, effective 7/1/2023. Rule 1.8(a), (c), (e) amended by Order dated December 26, 2023, effective 1/1/2024.