Rule 16.60 - [Effective until 1/1/2025] MANDATORY ELECTRONIC FILING(1) An active member of the Oregon State Bar must file a document using the eFiling system, except: (a) When a document must or may be filed by paper filing as provided in ORAP 16.30; or(b) When the eFiling system is temporarily unavailable as provided in ORAP 16.25.(2) An active member of the Oregon State Bar who is required to file a document using the eFiling system under subsection (1) of this rule, may obtain a waiver of that requirement as follows: (a) The person must file one of the following:(i) a request for waiver in all cases before the Court of Appeals, or the Supreme Court, or both, for a specific period of time; or(ii) a motion in an existing case for waiver in that specific case.(b) A request or a motion must include an explanation describing good cause for the waiver. The request or motion may be filed by paper filing.(c) The Administrator is authorized to approve or deny a request filed under subparagraph (a)(i) of this subsection.(d) If the Administrator approves a request, or if the court approves a motion, as described in subsection (a) of this rule, the person must (i) file a copy of the Administrator's or court's approval in each case subject to the waiver; and(ii) include in the caption of all documents filed by paper filing during the duration of the waiver the words "Exempt from eFiling per Waiver Approved [DATE]."(3) The Administrator is authorized to suspend subsection (1) of this rule when the Administrator becomes aware of a temporary unavailability as defined in ORAP 16.25(4)(a) and, in the Administrators judgment, the temporary unavailability is likely to prevent electronic filing for a substantial period of time under the circumstances. (a) If the Administrator suspends subsection (1) of this rule, then the Administrator will strive to provide 24-hour advance notice of the suspension to registered eFilers via email and to the public via notice on the Oregon Judicial Department's website. If circumstances make it impractical to provide 24 hours' notice, the Administrator will provide as much advance notice as is practical under the circumstances.(b) If the Administrator suspends subsection (1) of this rule under this subsection, then an active member of the Oregon State Bar may file the document as provided in ORAP 16.25(4).(4) If a filer submits a document by paper filing in contravention of subsection (1) of this rule and either the filer has not obtained a waiver pursuant to subsection (2), or the electronic system is not unavailable as described in subsection (3), then the Administrator is authorized to take any of the following actions: (a) Accept the document for filing and provide notice to the filer that the Administrator will reject future submissions by paper filing from the filer that are subject to subsection (1) of this rule.(b) Refuse to accept the document for filing.(c) Return the document to the filer as unfiled.(d) Refer the filing to the court for consideration of sanctions under ORAP 1.20(2).Adopted November 21, 2016, effective 1/1/2017; amended November 15, 2018, effective 1/1/2019.