Rule 16.40 - [Effective until 1/1/2025] ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES(1) The username and password required to submit a document to the eFiling system constitute the signature of the eFiler for purposes of these rules and for any other purpose for which a signature is required. (2)(a) In addition to information required by statute or rule to be included in the document, an eFiled document must include a signature block that includes the printed name of the eFiler and an indication that the printed name is intended to substitute for the eFiler's signature. If the filer is an attorney, the attorney's bar number and an indication of the party whom the attorney represents must appear as part of or in addition to the signature block. Example: s/Attorney Name
Attorney Name
Oregon State Bar No. _____
Attorney for ___________.
(b) The Administrator is authorized to provide notice on the Judicial Department's website that eFilers may not include signature blocks generated by certain programs that are incompatible with the appellate courts' electronic court system. (3) When a document is filed electronically in which an opposing party joins, that all such parties join in the document must be shown by any of the following:(a) submitting a scanned document containing the signatures of all parties joining in the document;(b) including a recitation in the document that all such parties consent or stipulate to the document; or(c) identifying in the document the signatures that are required and submitting each such party's written confirmation no later than three business days after the court's acceptance of the electronic filing.(4) A party eFiling a document that must be signed by a person other than the eFiler, such as a declaration, shall include a scanned image of the signature page showing the person's signature.