Rule 9.026 - IN CAMERA REVIEWS /MOTIONS TO SEAL(1) Parties seeking an in camera review of documents in a probate case shall file a motion in Probate Department of the Multnomah County Central Courthouse. Such motions shall describe the records to be reviewed, the information the party seeks to obtain from the records, and the legal authority for the in camera review. Unless stipulated, the motion will be placed on the Probate Call docket for hearing as prescribed by SLR 9.025(3). If a judge is already assigned to the case, the attorneys must contact that trial department to schedule a hearing on the motion. If the motion is granted documents shall be directed to Court Records, Room 03315 of the Multnomah County Central Courthouse.(2) Parties seeking an Order to file documents or materials under seal must file a motion with the court that complies with all of the requirements under UTCR 5.160.Multnomah Supp. L. R. 9.026
Amended effective 2/1/2024.