(1) Assignment of trials and motions shall be handled by the Chief Family Law Judge or designee.(2) All contested matters shall be scheduled either on the Trial Assignment Docket or the Rotation Docket of the Family Court unless there is a Retained Judge, in which case all matters shall be scheduled through the Retained Judge's department. (a) The Trial Assignment Docket consists of all matters scheduled for judicial hearing that have not been specially assigned to an individual judge by the Chief Family Law Judge, or set on the Family Law Rotation Docket. The Family Law Department places cases on this docket when the pleadings indicate the case is at issue. Parties requesting judicial time for Order to Show Cause matters may contact the Family Law Department to obtain available dates. Procedures for the Trial Assignment Docket are set out in SLR 8.014.(b) The Family Law Rotation Docket consists of multiple matters set for the same start time and expected to last only 30 minutes or less each.(i) When an individual matter set on the Rotation Docket is expected to last more than 30 minutes, a party shall request that the case be transferred to the Trial Assignment Docket, after notice to the other party. This transfer will be granted and the case should be placed on the Trial Assignment Docket for hearing the same day as the matter would have been heard on the Rotation Docket, unless the parties agree otherwise. The party requesting the transfer must provide written notice of Trial Assignment Docket procedures to the other party and certify this action in writing.(3) Motions to Set Over Trial Assignment shall be submitted no less than 30 days before the scheduled Trial Assignment date. Otherwise, set over requests may be made at Trial Assignment. Set-over requests of motions assigned to the Retained Judge shall be heard by that Judge or the Judge's designee.(4) Motions to postpone docketed hearings on abuse prevention restraining orders must be in writing and presented to a Family Law Judge.(5) Unless stipulated, the following motions must be accompanied by a proposed Order to Show Cause that contains a scheduled date on the Trial Assignment docket or with the Retained Judge, if one exists, and sets out a notice in substantially the following form: "If you disagree with the request(s) made and fail to appear in person at this time, you will very likely lose your chance to present your side of the issue(s)": (a) For temporary relief under ORS 107.095;(d) to compel discovery in which expenses are sought;(e) For telephone testimony made within 30 days before the hearing date;(f) parenting time enforcement under ORS 107.135;(g) contempt under ORS Chapter 33 whether filed before or after a General Judgment;(h) a post-judgment status quo order under ORS 107.139;(i) to set aside an order or judgment; and(j) for in camera review.(6) Orders to Show Cause for motions to modify judgments shall comply with UTCR 8.050(1). If a response is filed, the Family Law Department will set the motion on the Trial Assignment Docket. If the motion to modify a judgment is filed on a case that has been retained by a specific judge, the judge's staff will set the motion to modify the judgment for hearing and will notify the parties of the date and time of the event. All scheduling issues must be submitted to the judge who retained the case.Multnomah Supp. L. R. 8.012
Amended effective 2/1/2024.