Rule 5.165 - PROTECTIVE ORDERS AND FILING DOCUMENTS UNDER SEAL IN CIVIL CASES(1) All motions for entry of a protective order-whether contested or stipulated-should be presented to the assigned motions judge. A motion and proposed order to file specific documents under seal under the terms of a protective order or otherwise should be presented to the assigned motions judge. If a motions judge has not yet been assigned, the moving party should request assignment of a motions judge under SLR 5.014(2) before eFiling the order.(2) Parties should not submit proposed protective orders that allow or require parties to file documents designated as "Confidential" under seal without a further order from the court. Instead, a proposed protective order shall include the following: "A party seeking to file under seal documents designated as CONFIDENTIAL under this protective order must file a motion to file documents under seal that specifies:
(a) the statutory authority for sealing the documents;(b) the reasons for protecting the documents from public inspection; and (c) a description of the documents to be sealed. The judge hearing the motion may require the moving party to submit the documents to the court for in camera review."(3) The court will return unsigned any proposed protective orders that do not comply with this requirement.Multnomah Supp. L. R. 5.165
Amended effective 2/1/2024.