Rule 6.061 - PROPOSED JURY INSTRUCTIONS AND VERDICT FORMSUnless otherwise ordered by the court:
(1) Fully formed proposed jury instructions and verdict forms for trial, and for sentencing if enhancement facts are at issue, shall be submitted for filing at least seven (7) judicial days prior to commencement of trial or at the time of trial readiness hearing, whichever occurs first.(a) This requirement is in addition to the requirements of UTCR 6.060 and UTCR 6.070.(b) Simultaneously, each party must also submit to the court an electronic copy of all requested jury instructions and verdict form(s). The electronic copy shall be in Microsoft Word® format, must be in jury ready form as to each separate document and instruction, and must be submitted in the proposed order of instruction. This copy must be emailed to the courtroom email address or other email address provided by the court.(2) For purposes of planning adequate space for the trial, each party must notify the court as soon as possible but no less than ten (10) days prior to trial start regarding how many victims, witnesses, family or support persons they expect to attend the trial.(3) The court will take into account any failure to timely submit materials when prioritizing cases set for trial on the same date.Amended effective 2/1/2024.