Rule 13.055 - REFERRING CASES TO ARBITRATION(1) Cases which are otherwise subject to arbitration will be referred to arbitration as follows: (a) Within twenty days of the date on which the Answer is filed.(b) Within fourteen days of the termination or completion of mediation where mediation is required in domestic relations cases.(c) At any time as specifically directed by the Presiding Judge.(2) Once a case is referred to arbitration all motions against the pleadings, all motions for discovery, and all similar pretrial motions not yet resolved will be determined by the arbitrator. The arbitrator's determination, however, will only apply during the arbitration proceeding. If an appeal is filed, those issues may be raised again in Circuit Court. If a party believes that the arbitrator's decision on a pretrial motion will prejudice the parties if an appeal from the arbitrator's decision is filed, that party may file an appropriate motion with the Presiding Judge of the appropriate court.Amended effective 2/1/2024.