Lincoln Supp. L. R. 11.025

As amended through November 29, 2024
Rule 11.025 - Filing of Dependency Petitions and DHS Reports
(1) Protective Custody Reports and Petitions must be filed with the court by 11:00 a.m. on the day in which a protective custody hearing is requested. If the petition and report are filed after 11:00 a.m., the hearing will be held the following day.
(2) Reports for judicial review hearings and permanency hearings shall be filed 10 days prior to the scheduled review or permanency hearing. If not timely filed, DHS shall be responsible for providing a completed proposed judgement to all parties and the court before the scheduled hearing. The proposed judgment shall be provided in Word format at least 24 hours before the hearing.
(3) All reports for judicial review hearings and permanency hearings shall specifically address what conditions for return have not been met and what safety threats have not been ameliorated.

Lincoln Supp. L. R. 11.025

Amended effective 2/1/2024.