Lane Supp. L. R. 13.041

As amended through November 29, 2024
(1) A case subject to arbitration will be transferred to arbitration when the case is at issue or 150 days have elapsed since its filing, whichever occurs first.
(2) After a case has been transferred to arbitration, the original of any motion must be filed with the arbitrator. Unless otherwise provided by rule or statute, all such motions will be decided by the arbitrator.
(3) In the event a motion to file an amended pleading is allowed by the arbitrator which causes the case no longer to be subject to mandatory arbitration, the party filing such a pleading must so notify the arbitration clerk. Unless the parties stipulate otherwise, the clerk will then remove the case from arbitration.

Lane Supp. L. R. 13.041

Amended effective 2/1/2024.