Klamath Supp. L. R. 9.061
In the event of a delinquency or deficiency in filing any document required by statute or court order, an attorney of record will be sent a courtesy notice. If there is no attorney of record, then the courtesy notice will be sent to the personal representative, conservator, or guardian. The delinquency or deficiency must be promptly corrected. If the deficiency is not addressed within thirty (30) days, the court will issue an order to appear and show cause why the personal representative, conservator, or guardian, together with any attorney of record, should not be removed or held in contempt. The personal representative, conservator, or guardian, together with any attorney of record, must appear-whether or not the delinquency or defect has been subsequently corrected-unless otherwise ordered by the court. If the delinquency or defect has not been corrected by the time of the hearing, sanctions may be imposed.
Klamath Supp. L. R. 9.061