Rule 8.015 - FAMILY LAW CO-PARENTING EDUCATION PROGRAMS(1) Josephine County Circuit Court has established family law education programs when a party to the action is the parent of a child as authorized by ORS 3.425(2) The following cases are subject to these programs:(a) annulment or dissolution of marriage actions; (e) legal separation actions;(d) petitions to establish paternity, custody, parenting time, or visitation by unmarried parents; (e) petitions to establish custody, parenting time, or visitation by any party; and(f) post-judgment litigation involving changes in custody, parenting time, or visitation in which the parties have not previously completed these programs. (3) Co-Parenting Education Program (a) All parties involved in a case that include children under the age of seventeen (17) years shall successfully complete a court-approved Co-Parenting Education Program. (b) Court action in these cases will not be delayed by a party's refusal, failure, or delay in registering for or completing this program or the failure to comply with the requirements of this program, unless the noncomplying party is the moving party in the action.(c) Upon a party's failure to successfully complete the program or failure to comply with the requirements of this program, the court may take appropriate action, including but not limited to denial of the relief sought by that party, or proceedings for contempt, assessment of costs and attorney fees.
(d) Failure or refusal to complete the program in a timely manner will be considered by the court when making its ruling on issues which are in dispute and in determining the best interest of a child.(e) A party who knowingly fails to comply with the provision of this program may have their pleading stricken and/or a default entered. (f) The party initiating the proceeding shall register for the program within fifteen (15) days after filing the initiating pleading with the court. A copy of the court's form Notice of Co-Parenting Education Program shall be served by the initiating party on all parties against whom relief is sought. Service shall be accomplished as provided in ORCP 7 at the time the initiating documents are served. The form is available on the court's website under Family Law Oregon Judicial Department : Forms : Self Help : State of Oregon . All parties other than the initiating party shall register for the program within thirty (30) days after service of the notice upon them.
(g) Court-approved co-parenting education program providers will provide a certificate of completion to all participants who have successfully completed the program. It is the responsibility of the participant to file the certificate of completion with the court. The certificate must include the case number, participant name, and date of completion before filing with the court. (h) Upon a showing of good cause, a party may request waiver of the attendance requirement of this program. The request must be made by written motion, supported by affidavit / declaration, and filed within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice of requirements of this program.(4) Service Provider(a) Co-Parenting Education service providers shall be designated by the Presiding Judge or Family Court Judge. (b) Each party shall pay a fee at the time of registration for the Co-Parenting Education Program as determined by the program provider to cover the costs for the Co-Parenting Education Program.(c) The fee may be deferred by the service provider. A party seeking deferral must contact the service provider directly. In cases of extreme hardship, and after attempting to resolve the issue with the service provider, a party may request the court to waive the requirement to attend the Co-Parenting Education Program.Josephine Supp. L. R. 8.015
Amended effective 2/1/2024.