Rule 2.095 - FILINGS FOR CONSOLIDATED CASESPleadings, memoranda or other documents filed pursuant to UTCR 2.090, which affect each of the consolidated cases, must include:
(a) Complete case captions listing all parties and case numbers;(b) An original pleading, memoranda or other document for each case that highlights the case number in which the pleading, memoranda or other document should be filed.(c) When submitted by electronic filing, the document(s) shall be submitted in both case numbers.(d) Pleadings, memoranda and other documents filed in cases that are related but not consolidated, shall contain only the case caption and case number for the case to which it applies. Original documents must be submitted for each file in order for the document to be filed in each of the related cases.Josephine Supp. L. R. 2.095
Amended effective 2/1/2024.