Rule 7.075 - PRETRIAL CONFERENCES IN CIVIL CASES(1) A pretrial conference shall be scheduled in all civil cases four (4) to six (6) weeks before the trial date. Counsel for each party shall appear personally,or by phone or simultaneous electronic transmission, if prearranged; and parties may, but are not required to, appear or participate unless so directed by the court.(2) A party and that party's counsel may appear at the pretrial conference by telephone, unless otherwise directed by the court. A party or an attorney intending to appear at the pretrial conference by telephone must do all of the following: (a) Notify the court in writing at least seven days prior to the date scheduled for the pretrial conference.(b) Arrange for and place the call to the court at the times scheduled for the pretrial conference.(c) Arrange for all other parties and their counsel to participate in the same telephone call.(d) Pay for the expense of the telephone call or conference call.(3) Prior to commencement of the Pretrial Conference, each party shall be prepared to report to the court regarding:(a) Whether any further amendments need to be made to the pleadings;(b) Whether discovery has been completed, and if not, the parties' plan to complete any outstanding discovery in advance of trial;(c) Whether the parties have made good faith effort to confer regarding settlement;(d) Whether the parties have made a good faith effort to stipulate to undisputed matters so that evidence will not have to be produced unnecessarily;(e) Whether all necessary witnesses have been advised of the trial date; and(f) Any other matters that may affect the ability of the parties to proceed to trial as scheduled.Douglas Supp. L. R. 7.075
Amended effective 2/1/2024.