Deschutes Supp. L. R. 11.051
In all termination and dependency cases, parent(s) and any guardian(s) shall be served a Summons to personally appear at a time and place specified to answer the Petition. The parent(s) and any guardian(s) must personally appear in court at the time and date specified in the Summons. A written appearance shall not be permitted. A parent or guardian may make written application to the court for their personal appearance by telephone in extraordinary circumstances; however, the written application must be filed with the court two (2) days prior to the time scheduled for the parent's or guardian's personal appearance. The written application must include the person's current residence address, mailing address, telephone number, and the person's acknowledgment that it is their obligation to initiate/place the telephone call to the court at the time scheduled for their appearance.
Deschutes Supp. L. R. 11.051