Rule 12.101 - MEDIATION PROCEDURE IN CIVIL ACTIONS(1) On the parties' written stipulation, filed with the court prior to the commencement of the arbitration hearing, the parties may elect to mediate pursuant to ORS 36.185 to 36.210 rather than arbitrate any civil or domestic relations matter subject to mandatory arbitration. Such mediation shall be accomplished within the same time period required for court-connected arbitration under these rules. If the parties mediate in good faith, they shall be deemed to have met the requirements for mandatory arbitration, whether or not the mediation results in resolution of all claims.(2) Parties may enter into arbitration in the event that mediation is unsuccessful. Any such request to arbitrate after mediation shall be governed by SLR Chapter 13.Clatsop Cnty. Supp. L. R. 12.101
Amended effective 2/1/2024.