Ohio R. Superi. Ct. 23

As amended through July 25, 2024
Rule 23 - Complaint for Abortion without Parental Notification Pursuant to R.C. 2151.85
(A) Complaint
(1)All actions pursuant to section 2151.85 of the Revised Code shall be commenced by filing a complaint on Form 23 -A in the juvenile court of the county in which the juvenile resides or in a county bordering the county where the juvenile resides. The complaint shall be filed promptly upon the request of the complainant.
(2) A certified copy of the second page of "Form 23 -A," with the case number noted on it, shall be given to the complainant after she signs it. The original second page of the form shall be removed from the file jacket and filed under seal in a safe or other secure place where access is limited to essential juvenile court personnel. All index records shall be filed under, "In the Matter of Jane Doe."
(B)Assistance to minor

Minors seeking to file an action under section 2151.85 shall be given prompt assistance by the clerk of the juvenile court in a private, confidential setting. Assistance shall include performing the notary services necessary to file the complaint and affidavits described in this rule and Sup.R. 24.

(C) Filing fees and court costs

A complaint filed pursuant to division (A) of this rule and other forms described in these rules shall be provided without cost to the minor. No filing fees or court costs shall be imposed on the minor in connection with these proceedings or any notice of appeal filed in connection with these proceedings.

(D) Appointment of counsel. Upon the filing of a complaint pursuant to division (A) of this rule, the juvenile court shall appoint an attorney to represent the complainant if she is not represented by an attorney. Court-appointed attorneys shall be paid by the court without expense to the complainant.
(E) Appointment of guardian ad litem. Upon the filing of a complaint pursuant to division (A) of this rule, the juvenile court shall appoint a guardian ad litem. The court may appoint the same individual to serve as both the attorney and the guardian ad litem. If the court appoints an individual who volunteers to serve as a guardian ad litem for the complainant, that individual need not be paid. Other guardians ad litem shall be paid by the court without expense to the complainant.
(F) Hearing.
(1) The juvenile court shall promptly conduct a hearing after the filing of a complaint pursuant to division (A) of this rule and should, if possible, conduct the hearing within twenty-four hours. In no event shall the court hold the hearing later than five business days after the filing of the complaint. The court shall accommodate school hours if at all possible. The hearing shall be conducted by a judge and shall not be heard by a magistrate. Hearings shall be closed to the public and exclude all persons except witnesses on behalf of the complainant, her attorney, her guardian ad litem, and essential court personnel. The hearing shall be conducted in a manner that preserves the anonymity of the complainant. The complainant's name shall not appear on the record.
(2) If both maturity and either abuse or best interest are alleged in the complaint, or if maturity, abuse, and best interest are alleged in the complaint, the court shall rule on the issue of maturity first. If the court finds against the complainant on the issue of maturity, it then shall determine the other issues alleged in the complaint.
(G) Judgment.
(1) The juvenile court shall enter judgment immediately after the conclusion of the hearing and immediately provide a copy of the judgment to the complainant. The court shall issue an order on "Form 23 -B" authorizing the complainant to consent to the performance of an abortion without notice to a parent, guardian, or custodian if it finds either of the following by clear and convincing evidence:
(a) The complainant is sufficiently mature and well enough informed to decide intelligently;
(b) There is evidence of a pattern of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by one or both of the complainant's parents, guardian, or custodian or that notification is not in the best interest of the complainant.
(2) If the court determines that the complainant has not established the allegations of the complaint by clear and convincing evidence, the court shall dismiss the complaint. The court shall notify the complainant that she has a right to appeal pursuant to R.C. 2505.073 and provide the complainant with a copy of the notice of appeal, Form "23-C".
(H) Appeals.
(1)Immediately after the notice of appeal has been filed by the complainant, the clerk of the juvenile court shall notify the court of appeals. Within four days after the notice of appeal is filed, the clerk shall deliver a copy of the notice of appeal and the record, except page two of the complaint, to the clerk of the court of appeals who immediately shall place the appeal on the docket of the court of appeals.
(2) The juvenile court shall prepare a written transcript if possible. If a transcript cannot be prepared timely and if the testimony is on an audio or video recording, the recording may be forwarded as part of the record in the case to the court of appeals without prior transcription and the court of appeals shall accept the recording as the transcript in the case without prior transcription. The juvenile court shall ensure that the court of appeals has the necessary equipment to play the recording.
(I) General rule of expedition. If a complainant files a notice of appeal on the same day as the dismissal of her complaint, the entire court process, including the juvenile court hearing, appeal, and decision, shall be completed in sixteen calendar days from the time the complaint was filed.
(J) Confidentiality. The juvenile court shall not notify the parents, guardian, or custodian of the complainant that she is pregnant, that she wants to have an abortion, or that the complaint was filed. All court papers and records that pertain to the action shall be kept confidential and shall not be available for public access pursuant to Sup.R. 44 through 47.
(K) Verification notice. Upon request of the complainant or her attorney, the clerk shall verify on Form 23 -D the date the complaint was filed and whether a hearing has been held within five business days after the filing of the complaint. The clerk shall file and include the form as part of the record and shall provide a date-stamped copy to the complainant or her attorney.

Ohio. R. Superi. Ct. 23

Link to PDF of Form 23A, as amended effective 1/1/2015.

Link to PDF of Form 23B, as amended effective 1/1/2015.

Link to PDF of Form 23C, as amended effective 1/1/2015.

Link to PDF of Form 23D, as amended effective 1/1/2015.


The October 15, 2001 amendments to Superintendence Rules 23.1 and 25 and the accompanying forms are intended to provide procedures implementing Amended Substitute House Bill 421 of the 122nd General Assembly, effective May 6, 1998. The United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio has enjoined enforcement of this legislative enactment by order dated April 29, 1998. The text of the district court order is as follows:




Cincinnati Women's Services,CIVIL ACTION NO.
Inc., et al.:C-1-98-289
(Beckwith, J.)
George Voinovich, et al.,:

This matter came on for a scheduling conference on April 23, 1998. The parties reported to the court that the Ohio Supreme Court has not yet issued rules to guide the juvenile courts under HB 421 and is not expected to have such rules in place before the effective date of the Act on May 6, 1998. For this and other good cause shown, and on agreement of the parties as detailed in the parties' Joint Motion for Agreed Order Maintaining Status Quo of Existing Law, the court hereby preliminarily enjoins defendants and their employees, agents, servants and those acting in concert with them from enforcing House Bill 421. This order shall remain in place until further order of the court following full briefing and hearing pursuant to a schedule to be established by the court in due course. No bond shall be required of the plaintiffs.


Sandra S. Beckwith
United States District Judge



Alphonse A. Gerhardstein

Trial Attorney for Plaintiffs


Roger E. Friedmann

Trial Attorney for Defendant Deters


Arthur Marziale, Jr.

Trial Attorney for Defendants Montgomery and Voinovich

Filed by Kenneth J. Murphy, Clerk April 29, 1998 @ 3:29 p.m.