Ohio R. Superi. Ct. 16.62

As amended through July 25, 2024
Rule 16.62 - Ordering of Parenting Coordination
(A)Reasons to order parenting coordination

A court or division may order parenting coordination when one or more of the following factors are present:

(1) The parties have disagreements about the implementation of a parental rights and responsibilities or companionship time order and need assistance;
(2) There is a history of parental conflict that has been unresolved by previous litigation or other interventions and from which a child of the parties is adversely affected;
(3) The parties have a child whose parenting time schedule requires frequent adjustments, specified in an order of the court or division, to maintain age-appropriate contact with both parties, and the parties have been previously unable to reach agreements on their parenting time schedule without intervention by the court or division;
(4) The parties have a child with a medical or psychological condition or disability who requires frequent decisions regarding treatment or frequent adjustments in the parenting time schedule, specified in an order of the court or division, and the parties have been previously unable to reach agreements on their parenting time schedule without intervention by the court or division;
(5) One or both parties suffer from a medical or psychological condition or disability that results in an inability to reach agreements or to adjust their parenting time schedule without assistance, even when minor in nature;
(6) Any other factor as determined by the court or division.
(B)Reasons not to order parenting coordination

A court or division of the court shall not order parenting coordination to determine any of the following:

(1) Changes in the designation of the residential parent or legal custodian;
(2) Changes in the school placement of a child, in the case of shared parenting;
(3) Substantive changes in parenting time;
(4) The modification of child support or the allocation of tax exemptions or benefits or the division of uncovered medical expenses.

Ohio. R. Superi. Ct. 16.62

Adopted September 6, 2022, effective 1/1/2023.