Each document filed in the Supreme Court shall contain a cover page, which shall be white. The cover page shall contain only the following information:
(A) The case name and the case number assigned when the case was filed in the Supreme Court;(B) The nature of the proceeding in the Supreme Court (e.g., appeal, original action in mandamus);(C) If the proceeding is an appeal, the name of the court or the administrative agency from which the appeal is taken;(D) The title of the document (e.g., notice of appeal, appellant's merit brief, memorandum in support of jurisdiction);(E) The volume number if the document is split into multiple volumes;(F) An identification of the party on whose behalf the document is filed; (G) The name, attorney-registration number, address, telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address, if available, of each attorney who has filed an appearance in the case; an indication as to which party each attorney represents; and, where two or more attorneys represent a party, designation of counsel of record in accordance with S.Ct.Prac.R. 2.03. A party who is not represented by an attorney shall indicate the party's name, address, and telephone number. Ohio. R. Prac. S. Ct. 3.07
Effective Date:6/1/1994, Amended: 4/1/1996; 6/1/2000; 2/1/2001; 7/1/2004; 2/1/2007; 1/1/2008; 1/1/2010; 1/1/2013; 1/1/2017; amended January 8, 2019, effective 3/1/2019.