Ohio R. Prac. S. Ct. 16.09
In every civil case on appeal to the Supreme Court from a court of appeals or an administrative agency, the appellant may prepare and fi le a supplement to the briefs that contains those portions of the record necessary to enable the Supreme Court to determine the questions presented. Parties to an appeal are encouraged to consult and agree on the contents of the supplement to minimize the appellee's need for filing a supplement. Documents not necessary to determine the questions presented shall not be included in the supplement. The fact that parts of the record are not included in the supplement shall not prevent the parties or the Supreme Court from relying on those parts of the record.
The appellant shall file the supplement with the appellant's merit brief.
The appellee may file a supplement to the merit briefs in the manner required by division (A) of this rule. The appellee's supplement shall not unnecessarily duplicate documents contained in the appellant's supplement.
The appellee's supplement shall be filed with the appellee's merit brief.
Ohio. R. Prac. S. Ct. 16.09